Faust, I already love the art you bless my NG and Bluesky feed with, but I especially love when you make incredible Wario art! Wario World is one of my favorite games and I get so happy to see more love for its characters and wacky atmosphere. :)
Faust, I already love the art you bless my NG and Bluesky feed with, but I especially love when you make incredible Wario art! Wario World is one of my favorite games and I get so happy to see more love for its characters and wacky atmosphere. :)
While I do like the art, I'm more impressed by you using the Mario 64 dialogue font for your artist watermark. Now that's true 64-style dedication.
While I liked Skarpne with short hair and the overall tomboyish look, she looks damn good with long hair too.
Faust, you never miss. NEVER miss, with your incredible art. I never played Superstar Saga but it's a great game with great characters, and I love SMRPG. This is an awesome tribute to both games. <3
Simply amazing work, I always adore your style. And man, was this quickly made!
"I love South Park."
Hot stuff :)
Your art is always so cute but also very erotic. Never stop drawing c: but dont burn yourself out
Simply amazing. Probably my favorite take on the meme.
Yo, I'm Bobby! I hope to get back into animating as well as try making music someday!
This is an 18+ profile. Anyone under that, I ask you kindly, please leave this page. I may favorite or post mature content not suited for all ages.
Age 25, Male
Human Being on Earth
United States
Joined on 8/21/13